Erleben Sie unsere Plattform auf der SPS in Nürnberg

Gemeinsam mit der Open Industry 4.0 Alliance zeigen wir, wie einfach und wirtschaftlich nahtlose Interoperabilität über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg mithilfe der Verwaltungsschale auf unserer AAS-Plattform umgesetzt werden kann.

Besuchen Sie uns auf unserem Stand in Halle 6 Stand 240. Nehmen Sie Teil an der "Follow-the-Twin" Challenge und sichern Sie sich jeden Tag die Chance auf einen großartigen Preis.









In addition, twinsphere provides you with everything you need to connect systems and assets with the digital twin beyond the boundaries of your company. This enables automated information exchange, cross-company processes along the value chain and access to industrial data spaces.

This is twinsphere: a simple, affordable, and adaptable platform for offering standardised and customised processes and services. It gives SMEs access to digital value-added services and value chains. In times of digital factory transformation and Industry 4.0, this enables you to remain successful and ahead of the competition.

Do you have any questions? Contact us!

The four main use cases

Digital Product Passport as a Service

The twinsphere Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform enables companies to efficiently implement Digital Twins based on the asset administration shell along the entire value chain. Based on this, you can implement use cases such as the Digital Product Passport (DPP) or Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) reporting and thus prepare for future regulatory requirements.

By using the IDTA metamodel in conjunction with the provision of relevant information such as technical data or documentation in accordance with the ECLASS classification and supplemented by a standards-compliant API and a sophisticated event service, the Digital Product Passport can be realised interoperably and without complex integration projects.

Do you have questions on the use cases?


Plattform für die Bereitstellung von Verwaltungsschalen in Drittsystemen

twinsphere bietet Ihrem Unternehmen eine sichere, robuste und skalierbare Plattform zur Bereitstellung von Verwaltungsschalen (Asset Administration Shell). Die AAS Plattform kann sowohl für den interaktiven Zugriff durch Endanwender über ein Produktportal oder den benutzerfreundlichen twinsphere AAS Viewer genutzt werden. Die Plattform dient aber auch als Basis zur Integration in Drittsysteme, etwa im Rahmen einer Maschine-zu-Maschine Kommunikation. Die twinsphere suite unterstützt Ihr Unternehmen dabei, Digitale Zwillinge auf Basis der Verwaltungsschalen zu registrieren, zu validieren, zu lokalisieren und über eine standarisierte API abzurufen.   

Dokumentenübergabe nach VDI 2770 


twinsphere unterstützt die Digitalen Herstellerinformationen der VDI 2770 Norm und die Anforderungen aus dem Digital Data Chain Consortium (DDCC), indem es Unternehmen ermöglicht, ihre Dokumentation und Daten effizient zu verwalten und zu verteilen. Der VDI-2770 Adapter erlaubt zusammen mit dem ebenfalls angebotenen PDF-A Konverter die Ausleitung von Dokumenten in einen VDI-2770 konformen Dokument-Container, um diese Informationen zum Beispiel an Sharecat zu überführen.

Kunden können mit diesem Zusatzdienst einfach automatisierte Dokumentübermittlung in der Prozessindustrie nutzen. Und das, ohne ihre technischen Redaktionssysteme anzupassen oder ein komplexes und teures System- und Datenintegrationsprojekt durchführen zu müssen.  

Gut informiert entlang der Wertschöpfungskette  

Auch für die Übermittlung von Informationen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette (etwa an Zulieferer oder Kunden) hat twinsphere passgenaue Lösungen. Stellen Sie Ihren Kunden einen einfachen Zugang zum Digitalen Typenschild oder stets aktuelle Produktdokumentationen interaktiv oder maschinenlesbar bereit.

Der Nachrichten-Service bietet dazu Benachrichtigungen über Änderungen im Datenbestand der Digitalen Zwillinge und lässt sich beispielsweise nutzen, um Käufer eines bestimmten Typs einer Komponente über die Bereitstellung einer neuen Betriebs- oder Wartungsanweisung zu informieren. Vernetzen Sie diesen Nachrichten-Dienst noch mit dem ebenfalls angebotenen Push-Service, so lässt sich statt der Information über die Änderung gleich eine ganz neue Verwaltungsschale an Ihre Geschäftspartner übermitteln.  

Digitaler Produktpass as a Service  

Die Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)-Plattform twinsphere ermöglicht es Unternehmen, Digitale Zwillinge basierend auf der Verwaltungsschale effizient entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette zu implementieren. Sie können darauf aufbauend Anwendungsfälle wie den Digitalen Produktpass (DPP) oder das CO2-Reporting Ihrer Produkte (Product Carbon Footprint – PCF) umsetzen und sich somit schon heute auf zukünftige regulatorische Anforderungen einstellen.

Durch die Nutzung des Metamodells der IDTA, der Bereitstellung relevanter Informationen (wie technischer Daten oder Dokumentation) gemäß ECLASS-Klassifikation, einer standardkonformen API und einem ausgeklügelten Event-Service gelingt dies interoperabel und ohne komplexe Integrationsprojekte. 

We want to eliminate data silos and provide the necessary, standardized product information where our users need it.
Thomas Weisschuh
Director Product Management and Innovation @ AS-Schneider Group
With the platform, we can provide our customers with all relevant data and the CO2 footprint of our products completely digitally in their systems. This creates paperless processes and the basis for digital services.
Markus Weishaar
Markus Weishaar
During the project Director IIoT & Service @ Dunkermotoren GmbH
The AAS platform offers us the rapid availability of a scalable AAS infrastructure to drive forward our activities in the area of digital twins in the long term.
Michael Rister - rechteckig
Michael Riester
Teamlead IIoT Development @ Endress und Hauser Group
We are convinced that standardised, cross-manufacturer data exchange is an important basis for digital value chains - and this is exactly what the platform offers us.
Bastian Schmick
Bastian Schmick
Specialist Consultant Connectivity @ ifm Software GmbH
The platform offers us advantages along the entire value chain, as it facilitates collaboration - for example in the spare parts business or on sustainability issues.
Jonas Urlaub
Jonas Urlaub
During the project Director Digitalization & IIoT @ Kübler Group
With conplement, we have developed a trusting partnership that we are happy to recommend to others.
Tobias Schenk
During the project Vice President Business Development @ Knick Elektronische Messgeräte GmbH & Co. KG
Ease of Use

Ease of Use

With user-friendly access to information and processes, twinsphere makes it easy to create and quickly deploy digital twins.

Predictable Costs

Predictable Costs

We provide you with services and solutions that are transparent and cost-effective. Your use cases determine which twinsphere suite services you use. You know exactly what you are paying for – no hidden costs.

Interoperability along the entire value chain

Interoperability along the entire value chain

The twinsphere suite accelerates the flexible and secure distribution and use of IDTA version 3 specified digital twins across the supply chain.


Economical into the future

Economical into the future

The twinsphere suite enables rapid implementation of use cases thanks to ready-made templates. According to your use case, there are several services and components to choose from and a tailored cost model to suit any size of business. This helps you to save time and money.



Flexible use cases

Flexible use cases

The twinsphere suite supports a wide range of use cases: Compliance with regulatory requirements for the digital product passport, VDI 2770 compliant document transmission or push scenarios for automated supply chains.


Uncompromised scalability

The twinsphere AAS platform supports the parallel processing and provisioning of eight-figure numbers of both type and instance asset administration shells. Whether you are a medium-sized company or a global enterprise: twinsphere scales with your individual requirements.

Tailor-made solutions

Tailor-made solutions

The twinsphere suite offers a standardised API, a flexible architecture and is based on recognised industry standards. This allows you to efficiently meet your unique requirements.


Expand and scale globally

Expand and scale globally

Designed to grow with your needs, the platform is suitable for businesses of all sizes. Take advantage of the ability of our SaaS service to scale on a national or even international scale.

Open and flexible architecture


The AAS platform forms the core of the twinsphere suite. It provides Digital Twins based on the metamodel of the asset administration shell in its latest version V3. Other components such as a messaging service, a push service for asset administration shells and the VDI Adapter complement the core functionality.

These and other components and services of the twinsphere suite are connected to the AAS platform and make the Digital Twin available as a standardised basis for various use cases. The components of the twinsphere suite can be used independently and for specific purposes. This makes the twinsphere suite efficient, cost-effective, flexible, and scalable.

Do you have questions about architecture or integration?


Let's find your way together

Make an appointment with our TOPIC OWNER Digital Twin Christian Günther to

  • look at your digital strategy together,
  • identify use cases for digital twins,
  • and define scenarios for the provision and utilisation of the twins.

Ihr Ansprechpartner für Digital Twin


Wie können wir Sie bei Ihrem Digitalen Zwilling unterstützen?


 Christian Günther

Innovation & Portfolio Architect
TOPIC OWNER Digital Twin

Tel. +49 1511 22 40 942

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Our partnerships

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We are a member of the 
IDTA and the OI4

The digital twin and its characteristics are highly relevant to us as a digital enabler. The IDTA is a powerful alliance that is actively and innovatively shaping the future of the digital twin. It gives the digital twin for Industry 4.0 the necessary momentum for international success.

The slogan of the Open Industry 4.0 Alliance: "Talkers Talk, We Implement". This is exactly our approach - we want to create pragmatic and practical solutions for our customers. The OI4 network also helps us to do this.


LNI Logo

conplement AG is a member of LNI4.0

As conplement AG, we are delighted to be a member of the Labs Network Industrie 4.0 e.V. (LNI 4.0). As a neutral association, LNI 4.0 enables pre-competitive collaboration that allows us to develop innovative solutions. Access to specialized testbeds and test centers also gives us the opportunity to test and further develop new technologies under real-life conditions. In addition, the broad network of industrial partners and academic institutions that LNI 4.0 offers opens up a wide range of opportunities for networking and initiating collaborative projects. We are convinced that our membership of LNI 4.0 will help us to further expand our expertise, share our knowledge and actively shape the future of digital industrial technologies.

Microsoft Partner



We are a partner of Microsoft

conplement AG is a long-standing partner of Microsoft. As part of our IoT solutions for smart, networked products, we rely on the services of Microsoft Azure. As an exclusive and directly supported partner, we work together with Microsoft Deutschland GmbH on a basis of trust in the marketing and support of customers in the SME sector. Microsoft is also a member of the IDTA.